Past & Current Tutors
Lynne Neustroski Lynne's preferred medium is watercolour, always preferring the delicacy and unpredictability of the materials in use, although she does explore other media. Her subject matter comes mainly from still life, old buildings and floral studies.
Lynne is taking some time off at present, but will be very warmly welcomed back when she's ready.
Neil Perfect, our well-loved tutor, passed away on 12 May 2022, in his 82nd year.
A gentle and generous man, he gave his time, knowledge and energy unstintingly, whether it be to his students on his Monday morning drawing classes, his children's class on Tuesdays, or his night class on Thursdays.
For several years, Neil, a gifted artist, was on the HAS Committee, including a period of 5 years as President, lending his considerable expertise to many exhibitions and projects over the years.
Neil was also a Man of the Community. He was a giver, and was heavily involved in the community, such as President of Senior Net, past Leader Waitarere Club Scout Pack, a Home School Art Teacher, a committee member of Creative Communities and much more; for this he was the Horowhenua Civic Honour Award recipient in 2018.
Neil's sense of humour, his willingness to help, his support, and - the greatest gift any teacher can impart - his ability to give the beginning artist confidence in themselves will be missed more than we can say.
Our condolences go to his children, Chris and Kate, and his grandchildren.
The Society has lost its Elder Statesman, and we are all the poorer for it.